The hair sheep with no wool offers a light, clean taste of meat. Research has shown clear health benefits for eating grass fed meats. Grass fed meats are full of health giving conjugated linoleic acid, beta carotene (Vitamin A), and Omega-3 fatty acids. Our lamb is also free from antibiotics, growth promoters and other additives which are an increasing concern for many people. Young lambs from a flock of hairsheep offer the finest lamb that can be found.

The katahdin flock selected and maintained by World Shepherd places emphasis on a balanced animal with good meat production and yield characteristics. We expect twins after the first year and with the vigor to survive outside year round without artificial structures for shelter.

With high rainfall in our Piedmont section of Georgia, our sheep must survive parasite challenges and have strong feet and legs. Foot issues have no place in our system.  We make use of fecal egg counts and growth rate in selection.

Respiratory disease is non-existent in our flock. We do not use antibiotics for this purpose.

When our lambs are processed for the customer, each is identity preserved and ACTUAL yield data is used in selection criteria for future matings.

Each year the lower end of our eweling flock for parasite resistance and growth rate goes to slaughter. This insures that we stay focused on a strain of sheep that requires a minimum of management inputs.